2022 Summer Quick Championship Report

On Wednesday, July 27, 2022, the RVCC held its Summer Quick Championship. Eight players competed in a 3-round G/15 event at RVCC headquarters, Raleigh Court Public Library.

Chase Bailey scored a perfect 3.0 points, earning clear first place.

Trevor Richards, Joseph Andrews, and Paul Burchett shared 2nd through 4th places, with 2.0 points each.

Ben Dubuque and Ben Kennedy shared 5th and 6th places, with 1.0 point each. Nathaniel Fitzgerald and Jalen Hatchett came in at 7th and 8th places, with 0.5 points each.

Ben Dubuque directed this tournament very smoothly and efficiently, using random pairings for the first round. Mike Huff took care of registration, collecting entry fees, and awarding prizes.

As always, the RVCC appreciates the Raleigh Court Public Library, for hosting our weekly meetings and quarterly speed tournaments.