2022 RVCC Championship Report

The Roanoke Valley Chess Club (RVCC) held its club championship on April 23 and 24, 2022, at Westhampton Christian Church. This event featured 16 players, plenty of fighting chess, good sportsmanship, and a fun five rounds for everyone.

The club championship attracted a number of out-of-towners. Top prize went to Roger Martin (originally from Oregon) earned first prize, with a perfect 5.0 score. In second place was Stephen Jablon (from Washington, DC), with 4.0 points.

Tied for 3rd, 4th, and 5th places: William E. Villarreal; Benjamin Dubuque, and Mike Huff, all with 3.0 scores. Sam Austin won the Top Junior prize.

The players would like to express their gratitude to Courtney Barnes, who did a splendid job in directing and ensuring a smooth tournament. We must also thank Westhampton Church for providing a congenial playing environment, and club officers for organizing this event.