Thematic Tournament Report -- The Philidor Defense

On Wednesday, February 13, 2019, the RVCC held a Philidor Defense rapid tournament. Eight players competed in a 4-round G/15 event at RVCC headquarters, Raleigh Court Public Library.

Drew Gripp won clear 1st place with a perfect 4.0 score. Isaac Spence and Benjamin Dubuque split 2nd and 3rd place with 3 points each. Mike Huff and William Villarreal split 4th and 5th place with 2 points.

Ben travelled almost 45 miles from Radford to direct and play in this tournament, which ran very smoothly, as usual. Thank you, Ben!

As always, the RVCC appreciates the Raleigh Court Public Library, for hosting our weekly club meetings and speed tournaments.

(Submitted by Mike Huff)