On Wednesday evening April 17, 2019, the Roanoke Valley Chess Club held its Spring Quick Championship tournament at the Roanoke Valley Chess Club.

The tournament was divided into 2 separate Quads. The time limit for the games was G/20 ~ 5 seconds delay SD.

The winner of the B Quad, was RVCC President Mike Huff.

The winner of the A Quad was Isaiah Spence.

In addition, a 4 Game match was held between Junior chess champ Aiden Taylor and International Women's Master Tien Nguyen of Viet Nam. Tien is studying at Hollings College as an International Exchange student. Aiden put up stiff resistance in the match, but Tien scored a decisive victory after the smoke had cleared. There is no discredit to young Aiden, since Tien is one of the very strongest chess players in the Roanoke Valley.

Our ever popular Treasurer was Ray Megginson. The tournament was directed by O.L.M. Russell Potter.

The cub meets every Wednesday evening in the comfortable quarters of the Raleigh Court Branch of the Roanoke Public Library. We meet in the Community Room in back of the building.

The library is located in front of Patrick Henry High School on 2112 Grandin Rd. SW

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