2018 RVCC Spring Quick Championship Report

On Wednesday, April 18, 2018, the RVCC held its Spring Quick Championship. Six players competed in a 3-round G/15 Swiss System, at RVCC headquarters, Raleigh Court Public Library.

Aiden Taylor won clear 1st place with a 2½ score. Mr. D. Villareal Sr. won 2nd place over 3rd place club veteran Sam Kennedy. Both men scored a respectable 2 points. Rounding out the event were Mike Huff, Ben Dubuque and E. Villareal Jr.

RVCC Board Chairman Rusty Potter directed the tournament, with an assist Mike Huff. Even with a late entry, we managed to finish ahead of schedule, thanks to all the collaboration on pairing and awarding prizes.

The RVCC would like to thank the Raleigh Court Public Library for its help and hospitality in making this tournament a great success.

(Submitted by Russell Potter)