Celebrating Chess at the 2018 Festival in the Park

The Roanoke Valley Chess Club brought its popular “Chess-tival” event once again to the annual Festival in the Park in downtown Roanoke. This major celebration takes place every Memorial Day weekend in Elmwood Park, and attracts many thousands of participants. The Chess Club convened on Saturday and Sunday, May 26-27, at its usual site along Elm Avenue.

This was Festival’s 50th year since its inception—a big deal for organizers. In the 30+ years that the RVCC participated, the weather has cooperated. Most years, rain was in the forecast, but generally missed us. Not this time! If not for our tents, we would have had to cancel due to torrential rain, both days. (We managed to get soggy even with our tents on Saturday.)

The RVCC members who braved the rain on Saturday included Sam Kennedy, Ben Dubuque, Christian Dotson, and Mike Huff. Despite the sparse attendance, we managed to collect two completed contact cards. On Sunday, Sam and Mike held the fort and collected two more contact cards, despite heavy sheets of rain, many cancellations, and no crowds.

We want to thank the volunteers who persevered through the severe weather we experienced. A heartfelt shout-out goes to Ed Gig and all the other fine folks of Roanoke Festival, Inc. who helped make our event possible.

This event is part of the Roanoke Valley Chess Club's ongoing commitment to promote the great game of chess in the region, and-- as always-- is 100% FREE to the general public.

(Submitted by Mike Huff)