On the evening of Wednesday, September 5, 2018, the Roanoke Valley Chess Club held its annual re-organizational business meeting. The meeting was convened by President Mike Huff at Chess Club headquarters: Raleigh Court Public Library, 2112 Grandin Road, SW. Attendees enjoyed pizza and soft drinks from Allsports Cafe, delivered by Mike Huff.

Those present included President Mike Huff, Treasurer Ray Megginson, and a number of general members.

  1. General Membership Meeting.

    1. President's Report for the FY 2017-18.
      Traditionally, the President's Report reviews activities of the past year, and largely coincides with a summary of events. For the complete list of these past events, see the RVCC PAST EVENTS section of our web page. A brief summary of each event was given by the club officers present who organized or directed them. All present agreed that it has been a very busy and satisfying club year! We all felt that our activities in general were well worth the time and effort.

    2. Treasurer's Report.
      The Treasurer's Report, presented by Ray Megginson, discussed the profit-loss aspect of last year’s events.

    3. Web Page.
      Our current Web Master is Mr. Martin Cooperson. The club is very pleased with the continuous excellence, creativity, and promptness of his work. We are very grateful for Martin's help!

    4. IRS Reminder.
      The RVCC is a tax-exempt, charitable organization with designated I.R.S. 501 (c3) status. This means that individuals and organizations can donate monies and items of value to the Club, and have such donations written off as tax deductions.

      Accordingly, all members are enthusiastically encouraged to solicit donations for the Club!

    5. Other Old Business.
      The club membership discussed Ben Dubuque’s motion for thematic rapid rated tournaments, to be organized by Nalin Jha. Everyone approved of this proposal, and the motion carried.

    6. Election of Officers. Mike Huff was re-elected as President of the RVCC.
      Ray Megginson was re-elected as Treasurer.
      Ben Dubuque was elected as Tournament Liaison.

    7. New Business.

    8. Dues. Membership dues were then collected for FY 2018-19.

    9. Adjournment. The general membership meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.

  2. Board of Directors Meeting.

    The Board of Directors convened at approx. 8:00 p.m. on August 29, 2018, and elected the following members to the following positions on the Board of Directors:

    1. Election of Board Members.
      1. EVEN YEAR 'A' SPOT: 2018-2020: Rusty Potter.
      2. EVEN YEAR 'B' SPOT: 2018-2020: Ray Megginson.
      3. ODD YEAR 'A' SPOT: 2017-2019: vacant.
      4. ODD YEAR 'B' SPOT: 2017-2019: Mike Huff.

      Things to know about the Board:

      1. In order to serve on the Board of Directors of the RVCC, a member must have 5 consecutive, dues-paid years of membership in the RVCC.

      2. Josh Lilly resigned from the Board in 2015, leaving his odd-year “A” spot vacant.

      3. As club Treasurer, Ray Megginson automatically remains a member of the Board of Directors, with full voting rights on the board, as long as he holds the Treasurer's position.

      4. Mike Huff was not up for election for the current 2017-19 “B” spot.

    2. Activities Calendar. The Board of Directors met and drew up a tentative tournament schedule and Calendar of Events for the upcoming club year. This schedule will include both our USCF-rated tournaments, our popular casual chess events, as well as our community outreach events. Once all the details have been finalized for our Grand Prix and other events, they will be posted on our Web page.

    3. Adjournment. The meeting of the Board of Directors was then adjourned at approx. 9:00 p.m.

      (Report submitted by Mike Huff.)