2017 Spring RVCC Championship Report

On Wednesday, April 26, 2017, the RVCC held its Spring Quick Championship. Five players competed in a 3-round G/15 Swiss System, at RVCC headquarters, Raleigh Court Public Library.

Courtney Barnes took 1st place with a perfect 3-0 score. Ray Megginson and Matt Slomba split 2nd and 3rd places. Joe Surace, who joined the RVCC that night, also played in this, his very first chess tournament! Way to go, Joe, and welcome aboard!

Club President Mike Huff directed this tournament, ably assisted by Treasurer Ray Megginson. We managed to get rounds started on time even with one late entry. Everyone enjoyed a well-run event.

The RVCC would like to thank the Raleigh Court Public Library for its help and hospitality in making this tournament successful.

(Submitted by Mike Huff)