2016 RVCC SPRING FLING Game/30 Championship

Like all of our tournaments for this calendar year, the 2016 SPRING FLING tournament awarded RVCC Club Grand Prix points. These are awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of each Club Grand Prix event. These special G.P. points are totaled up at the end of the club fiscal year in September, 2016. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will all win good cash prizes at that time !

This tournament was held on Saturday, March 19th , at the Roanoke Valley Chess Club Headquarters at the Roanoke Natural Foods Co-Op on Grandin Road, SW.

The tournament was a 4 Round Swiss System event with over 90% of all entries being returned as prizes !

The time control was Game in 30 minutes ( with 20 second increment ) and was played under modified U.S.C.F. Chess Rules.

First place was won by new U.S.C.F. Expert Courtney Barnes in commanding style with a perfect score of 4 points. He received 20 Club Grand Prix points.

There was a FOUR-WAY tie for 2nd-4th Place ! Each of these four guys got 2 points each.

Teenagers won 3 of the 5 prizes awarded. Youth showed their stuff in this event !

On tiebreaks, young Aiden Taylor got 2nd place, Christian Dotson was 3rd, Mason Mc Grady was Top Amateur. Bill Adams also tied with this group with 2 points as well.

Everybody in this group picked up 12.5 Club Grand Prix points.

In all, there were 5 players who won money-Congratulations to all of the prize winners !

The overall tournament organizers were club President Mike Huff and Russell Potter.

The on-site Tournament Director was National Master Russell Potter.

There were no real problems of any kind and everyone said that they enjoyed themselves !

The Roanoke Valley Chess Club sincerely appreciates everyone who participated in this event. We also express our continuing appreciation for the staff and management of the Roanoke Co-Op for their hosting of our chess events.

{ Submitted by Russell Potter. }