Results of Board of Directors Election
The following persons were elected to the board of directors:

Russell Potter
Mike Huff
Ray Megginson
RVCC Reorganizational Business Meeting - Saturday 9/10/16
Call to Order
Summary of Events
  1. Holiday Quick, November 4
    • Mike moves to continue, Richard seconds, motion carries.
  2. Winter G/30 and LOTS Warm-Up, January 16
    • Mike moves to continue, Richard seconds, motion carries.
  3. Jack Frost G/30 Tournament, February 13
    • Mike moves to continue, Richard seconds, motion carries.
  4. Spring Fling G/30, March 19
    • Mike moves to continue, Courtney seconds, motion carries.
  5. Grand Prix Warm-Up, April 2
    • Mike moves to continue, Richard seconds, motion carries.
  6. Walter Muir Memorial, April 23
    • Russell highlights history of this important tournament.
    • All present discuss possibility of changing date of tournament.
    • All present discuss need to generate more growth and interest.
    • Courtney offers to direct some tournaments in future.
    • Russell moves to consider 2 Grand Prix each year, Ray seconds, motion carries.
    • Russell discusses different payout structures for each tournament.
    • Mike moves to accept, Richard seconds, motion carries.
  7. Block Party (“Homecoming”), May 15
    • Mike moves to continue if Grandin Village Merchant’s Association approves.
    • Ray seconds, motion carries.
  8. Festival in the Park, May 28
    • Russell discusses need to increase player interaction.
    • Courtney discusses option of $5 donation to play simul with receipt.
    • Richard discusses playing multiple simuls with varying levels.
    • All discuss promoting value of 501(c).
    • Ray discusses including festival with period of free chess lessons.
    • All discuss logistics of tables, transport, and volunteers.
    • All discuss presence for two days at festival.
    • Mike discusses grant from Roanoke Arts Commission and delegating committee headed by Bill Adams.
    • Mike moves to continue festival for two days, Ray seconds, motion carries.
  9. Summer Quick, June 18
    • Mike proposes need to cut down on Summer tournaments.
    • Russell discusses better advertising and need for some Summer tournaments.
    • Courtney proposes trying second Grand Prix in Summer.
    • Ray discusses option of moving Walter Muir Memorial to Summer.
    • Russell notes need for above discussion among Board members.
    • Russell requests current assignment of Grand Prix points from Ray
    • All agree additional discussion needed in near future.
  10. Summer G/30 Championship, July 16
    • Russell suggests changing time controls and having better advertisement.
  11. New Location of RVCC
    • Mike discusses success of moving to Raleigh Court Library.
    • Richard proposes the idea of changing day of meetings from Wednesday to Thursday.
    • Courtney seconds proposal to date change from Saturday to Wednesday.
    • Russell reiterates success of current format .
    • Mike moves to continue with current location/date, all agree, motion carries.
Treasurer’s Report
Election of Officers Quorum President – Mike Huff
Vice President – Sam Kennedy
Treasurer – Ray Megginson
Senior Advisor – Russell Potter

New Business
Courtney motions to adjourn meeting, Ray seconds.

Mike adjourns meeting at 3:30 pm on 9/10/16.