Summer G/30 RVCC Championship Report

On Saturday, July 11, 2015, the RVCC held its Summer G/30 Championship. Eight players competed in a 3-round Swiss System at the RVCC headquarters at the Roanoke Natural Foods Co-Op.

Stephen Tucker took first place with a perfect 3-0 score. Christian Dotson, Jeff Robison, and Ansel Steele split second, third, and fourth place, each with a 2-1 score.

The third round saw an interesting father-versus-son struggle, as Wally Lewis battled his son. Josh, with the White pieces, prevailed.

Charlie Morgan directed this tournament in his usual capable and efficient manner, starting rounds on time even with late entries. Everyone enjoyed a well-run event. Great job as always, Charlie!

As always, the RVCC would like to thank the Roanoke Natural Foods Co-Op for its hospitality.

(Submitted by Mike Huff)