As part of its series of one-day, unrated tournaments, the Roanoke Valley Chess Club recently held its SPRING GAME / 30 CHAMPIONSHIP. This tournament was held on Saturday, March 21, 2015 in the Community Room of the Roanoke Natural Foods Co-Op in Roanoke, Va.

This tournament was a 4-Round Swiss System event, with 100% of entries being returned as prizes ! The time control was Game/30 with a 15 second increment.

There was plenty of excitement and drama in all of the games.

Clear 1st place went to Eric Diaz , who posted a perfect 4-0 performance. Eric won a cool $65.00 for his undivided capture of first place. Gary Myers, Sam Kennedy and Josh Lewis shared the prizes for 2nd place, 3rd place and Top Amateur. Each of these three players took home $26.58 each. Congratulations to all of the prize winners !

The on-site Tournament Director was National Master Russell Potter. There were no significant problems of any kind and everyone appeared to have a really good time !

The Roanoke Valley Chess Club sincerely appreciated everyone who participated and made this Saturday Special event at the Co-Op yet another successful event in our series.

We also express our deep appreciation to the management and staff of the Co-Op, who have gone out of their way to make us feel especially welcome there for our weekly Saturday Club meetings.

Report submitted by Russell Potter