On March 22, the Roanoke Valley Chess Club held its first-ever FIDE-FORMAT, GAME 60 CHAMPIONSHIP, with 30 second INCREMENT per move.


( An important word here about the Increment time control format. Under FIDE rules, the increment time control has become the established standard for rating games. We followed a common standard of Game 60 with a 30 second increment. Under the increment system, 30 seconds of time are ADDED to a player's time every time he moves.

In our opinion, this produces better chess games than the 5 second delay system. There are several reasons for this :

#1) Players who move reasonably briskly in their known openings, can actually wind up with MORE time than they began the game with ! This extra time is MUCH valued when the more time-consuming complications of the middlegame and endgame arrive.

#2) Also, there are far fewer instances of "endgame injustice" in which a player goes from a win to a loss as the result of a mad, at times almost random, time scramble. Under the Increment system, whenever a player moves, he automatically has an extra 30 seconds added to his clock in which to think.

#3) Further, since under increment, players must keep time for the entire game, there are fewer arguments about incorrect scores, missing moves, etc.

#4) Lastly, the players have their COMPLETE games to analyze later for their game-improvement.

Since this format is spreading throughout the both the globe and the U.S., we wanted to have a non-rated "trial run" for SW Va. players here first before introducing it into rated Grand Prix events. Overall, player feedback was very positive.)


Clear winner of the event was near-expert Ray Fletcher, who drove 4 hours one way from Colonial Heights to play in our event ! Ray is a math professor in Petersburg, Va. and registered a perfect 3-0 score.

This was clearly a "youth will be served" event, with youngsters Aiden Taylor and Josh Lewis tying with club veteran Brian Mackey for 2nd-3rd places. Aiden won 2nd on tiebreak, Brian garnered the bronze and Josh won top Amateur. Way to go guys !

The club also sold a total of $56.00. We had some recently-donated classics at this event, so the players grabbed some really good deals !

The club also picked up 3 new members. Aiden turned 13, paid his dues and is now a voting member of the club. Jeff Robinson of Clifton Forge also signed up. Old friend Randy Davis joined up as well. Welcome to the family fellas !

As usual, the Roanoke Natural Foods Co-Op staff were their normal friendly and helpful selves. We really appreciate their making the Community Meeting Room available to us for the tournament for virtually the entire day.

This full-day event was directed by yours truly.

Our next upcoming event will be the RVCC Sprinq Quick Championship on April 5. It will also be held at the club. We will have books on sale at that event as well.

(Report Submitted by Russell Potter)