2014 RVCC Annual Reorganization Meeting

September 6, 2014. Minutes taken by Wally Lewis

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by RVCC President, Mike Huff. Rusty Potter served as ad hoc Parliamentarian.
Rusty Potter noted that there are currently 15 dues-paying club members.

1. Quick Tournaments-several tournaments throughout the year with G10 or G15 time limits were held. The general consensus of those present was that these broke even financially, with 100% of entry fees being distributed to the winners.
2. The Jack Frost tournament was held in February It's TD was Ray Megginson. The Jack Frost tournament lost $48.
3. The Walter Muir Memorial tournament was held in late April. Ray Megginson was the TD. The tournament lost less than $100.
4. Festival in the Park. This was held the last weekend in May. Rusty Potter held a Simul both days of the festival. Expenses for table rental , ribbons and medals was approx. $125.00.
5. Josh Lilly was the official club Organizer and Tournament Director of this year's Tracy Callis Memorial. At 20 players, it drew the second largest number of players in its history.

Donations / Income to the Club:

1. $500 from the Walter Muir grant, which is administered by the Foundation for Roanoke Valley. It is given to the club's General Fund, with the expectation that it will be at least partly used to honor the memory of Walter Muir by holding a chess tournament of some kind.
2. $500 from Mr.Tracy Callis Sr., which goes directly into the prize find and expenses of running the Tracy Callis Jr Memorial tournament. As a specifically targeted donation, this grant is not a general donation to the club's General Fund.
3. The club made slightly over $200.00 in book sales during this fiscal year.

For the full 2014 RVCC Annual Reorganization Meeting report, please click here.

For the full 2014 RVCC Annual Board of Directors Meeting report, please click here.