On Saturday, May 11, 2013, the Roanoke Valley Chess Club sponsored a "Chess Expo" at Valley View Mall, in the Marble Court outside Belk's Department store, near the Food Court. Strong Expert and former Master Charles "Charlie" T. Morgan conducted a two-round simul, prevailing 19-1 against determined opposition.

In Round 1, the third-toughest to beat was Lynell Franklin. Second-toughest to beat was newcomer Justin Kreft. Club President Mike Huff held out the longest, making him the toughest player to beat. Charlie, a 3-time West Virginia State Champion, as well as a 3-time Arizona State Champion, lost only one game, to former RVCC Champion Franklin Myers. At 82, Frank is one year older than Charlie. He last won the club championship in 1962. This day was a triumph for seniors ! Overall, Charlie posted a powerful 8-1 score in the first round.

In Round 2, Charlie defeated all comers with a stunning 11-0 perfect score. For this round, many of the visitors made a very strong showing against the champ. Third-toughest to beat was Shawn Sprouse, and Eric Hill the second-toughest. A youngster, Armon Kazemi, proved toughest to beat, outlasting everyone in a great display of endurance and resourcefulness. At 81 years young, Charlie showed incredible endurance and resourcefulness throughout the long tiring day.

Mike Huff did most of the really EXTENSIVE setting up and breaking down for the exhibition, Rusty Potter designed and printed up most of the signs and of course, Charlie Morgan had the starring role in this "Beat The Champion" contest.

In the end, everyone came out a winner, whatever the results over the board. All players displayed sportsmanship and grit, even if most succumbed to the champ's superior technique. Also, we completed contact cards on 12 new players, making the event most productive for the Chess Club.

Not too shabby for a day's work!

( Submitted by Mike Huff and other officers. )