As part of its series of special, one-day, Unrated but $$$ tournaments, the Roanoke Valley Chess Club recently held its HALLOWEEN QUICK CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP.

This tournament was held on Saturday, Oct. 20th, in the Community Meeting Room of the Roanoke Natural Foods Co-Op in Roanoke, Virginia.

The tournament was a Round-Robin event, with 90% of ALL entries being returned as prizes !

The time control was Game in 10 minutes and was played under modified Quick Chess Rules.

The tournament consisted of three club members and three visitors, including two brothers and 12 year old Om Patel.

Several games were lost on time but a good time was had by all.

1st place was won by Richard White who blazed through the double round-robin with 8 1/2 - 1 1/2.

Tied for second were Club President Mike Huff and Club Treasurer Eric Diaz with 6 points.

The Amateur winner was young Om with 3 1/2 points. Mike Huff was involved in several exciting games, besting Richard with both of Mike's rooks and his Queen controlling the Queen Bishop file. Mike then lost the final game to Om on time. This last game determined the final standings. Congratulations to all of the prize winners !

The on-site Tournament Director was Charlie Morgan.

There were no real problems of any kind and everyone said that they enjoyed themselves.

The Roanoke Valley Chess Club sincerely appreciates everyone who participated and made this Saturday Special event at the Co-Op yet another successful one in our series.

We also express our deep appreciation to the management and staff of the Co-Op, who have gone out of their way to make us feel especially welcome there for our weekly Saturday chess meetings.

[ Report filed by the Tournament Director. ]