2012 RVCC Quick Chess Championship G/15

As part of its series of special, one-day, Unrated but $$$ tournaments, the Roanoke Valley Chess Club recently held its annual Quick Chess Championship This tournament was held on Saturday, August 4th, in the Community Meeting Room of the Roanoke Natural Foods Co-Op in Roanoke, Virginia.

The tournament was a Round-Robin event, with 90% of ALL entries being returned as prizes !

The time control was Game in 15 minutes with 5 second delay and was played under modified Quick Chess Rules.

First place was won by National Master Russell Potter of Roanoke Va, with a score of 6 out of 7 points.

12-year old Jeff Shen was the Runner-Up in the tournament with 5.5 points ! This young prodigy from Blacksburg shows really great promise; especially in Speed Chess !

3rd place was won by Eric Diaz.

Top Amateur Prize went to Mr. Sane.

In all, there were 4 players who won money - Congratulations to all of the prize winners !

The on-site Tournament Director was Hunter Harlow.

There were no real problems of any kind and everyone said that they enjoyed themselves.

The Roanoke Valley Chess Club sincerely appreciates everyone who participated and made this Saturday Special event at the Co-Op yet another successful one in our series.

We also express our deep appreciation to the management and staff of the Co-Op, who have gone out of their way to make us feel especially welcome there for our weekly Saturday chess meetings.

( Submitted by Hunter Harlow. )

( Note : Two acts of generosity were shown by two of our officers that need to be mentioned. First of all, Eric Diaz generously donated his entire winnings back to the chess club ! Secondly, our modest Tournament Director failed to mention that he graciously deferred the Top Amateur prize due him to the next player in line who finished just behind him ! Hunter did this in order to encourage new players to participate. Kudos to both of these fine young men for their generosity and club spirit ! ) ( Addendum submitted by Russell Potter. )