As part of its series of special, one-day, Unrated but $$$ tournaments, the Roanoke Valley Chess Club recently held its SUMMER QUICK CHESS TOURNAMENT. This tournament was held on Saturday, August 14, at the headquarters of the club in the Community Meeting Room of the Roanoke Natural Foods Co-Op. The tournament was a round-Robin event, with 90% entries being returned as prizes ! The time control was Game in 10 Minutes and was played under modified Quick Chess Rules.

First place was won in decisive style by young 11 year-old Tiger Sun of Roanoke with an undefeated 6.5 / 7 score. Tiger was kept from achieving a perfect score only by being nicked for a draw by former Expert Vern Robinson of Roanoke in the third round. Tiger had to overcome a near-perfect score by A - player Richard White of Bedford, by tagging Richard for his only loss in the event in the very last round ! Richard came in a strong second place at 6 / 7. Speed chess ace Vern Robinson came in third at 5.5 / 7 . Hunter Harlow of Lynchburg won the top Amateur prize. Ethan Edwards of Blacksburg was top Junior. In the Booster section, Al Valentine of Greenbriar , W.Va. finished with a powerful 5 / 6 performance to take first place. Second place was won by Dennis Boggs with a solid 4 / 6 score. Recently hailing from Florida, Dennis has moved recently to Grenbriar, W.Va.

In all, there were 7 players who won money ! Congratulations to all of the prize winners ! The on-site Tournament Director was Russell Potter. There were no significant problems of any kind and everyone appeared to have a really good time !

The Roanoke Valley Chess Club sincerely appreciates everyone who participated and made the Summer Quick Chess event at the Co-Op yet another successful one in our series.

( Report submitted by Russell Potter. )