2010 Annual RVCC Business Meeting

  1. On Saturday, September 11, 2010, the Roanoke Valley Chess Club held its annual reorganizational business meeting. The meeting was convened by club President Russell Potter at the club's headquarters in the Roanoke Natural Foods Co-Op on Grandin Road SW.

  2. Events. A full report was given about the events that the club had either directed or participated in for the 2009-2010 club year. These included the following events: 2009 Bill Bochman Memorial, 2009 Thanksgiving Grand Prix, 2009-2010 Winter-Spring Club Challenge Ladder, 2010 Tons of Fun, 2010 Winter-Spring Club Challenge Ladder, 2010 Walter Muir Memorial, Grandin Village Block Party, Festival in the Park, Commonwealth Games , 2010 Summer Quick Championship, 2010 Tracy Callis Memorial.

  3. Web Page. A report was given on our the club's Web Page. Our current Web Master is Mr. Martin Cooperson Jr. The club is very pleased with the ongoing excellence and promptness of his work.

  4. RVCC Database list. A report on the club's ACCESS database of e-mail addresses was given. Our contact list for chess events has grown to more than 350 names !

  5. Treasurer's Report. RVCC Treasurer Josh Lilly reported that the club currently has approx. $2,400.00 in the bank. An update was made on the sales of books being conducted by Mr. Paul Yearling. He currently has sold $79.00 thus far for us.

    Other annual expenses. These include $70 for a Post Office box, $30 for the State Corporation Commission, and $40 for U.S. Chess Federation membership.

    IRS Reminder. The RVCC is a tax-exempt, charitable organization with designated I.R.S. 501 ( c3 ) status. This means that individuals and organizations can donate monies and things of value to the Club and have such donations written off as tax deductions.

    Accordingly, all members are enthusiastically encouraged to solicit donations for the Club !

    ( End of Treasurer's Report Summary. Detailed information on supplies, minutae, reimbursements, tournament proceeds, etc. are available upon request to Treasurer Josh Lilly. )

  6. Other Old Business. The club membership recognized and commended the volunteer team that has worked together in order to make the club successful this year. A partial list includes the following people: Josh Lilly, Rusty Potter, Mike Huff, Richard White, Martin Cooperson Jr., Rick Maciorowski, Erik Diaz, Ray Megginson, Joe Stanley and others.

  7. Election of Officers. Richard White was elected as President of the RVCC. Mike Huff , Ray Megginson and Erik Diaz were elected as the club's Vice Presidents. Josh Lilly was re-elected Treasurer.

  8. Tournament Calendar. The Board of Directors will soon meet to discuss planning our tournament schedule and Calendar of Events for the upcoming club year. This schedule will include both our USCF-rated Grand Prix tournaments as well as the popular Quick Chess events.

  9. Dues. Dues for the 2010-2011 club year were then collected.

  10. Board of Directors Elections Meeting. The meeting of those members with 2 or more years of dues-paid membership then convened at approx. 4:00 pm and elected the following members to the following positions on the Board of Directors:
    1. EVEN YEAR "A" SPOT : 2010-2012 : Russell Potter.
    2. EVEN YEAR "B" SPOT : 2008-2010 : ( Vacant. )
    3. ODD YEAR "A" SPOT : 2009-2011 : Josh Lilly . ( Continuing term. )
    4. ODD YEAR "B" SPOT : 2009-2011 : Richard White. ( Continuing term. )

  11. Adjournment. Meeting was then adjourned at approx. 4:30 PM.

    ( Minutes for both the General Meeting and for the Board of Directors Elections Meeting were taken by Mike Huff. Contributions to the final SUMMARIES of both of these meetings were made by Mike Huff, Josh Lilly and Russell Potter and finalized on 09-15-10. )

Link to Summary of Meeting Minutes