RVCC Vinton 4th of July Celebration !

The Roanoke Valley Chess Club celebrated the 4th of July at the Vinton War Memorial park. Many people came out to the heart of Vinton for the evening festivities.

There were nice bright lights on so that we didn't have to play in the dark !

We really had an Independence Day blast playing chess with all the visitors ! We also filled out many chess player contact cards from them for our club events e-mailing notices list.

In addition to having fun at the busy chess tables, we all soaked up a lot of great holiday atmosphere. There was a live band that really rocked, there were Civil War re-enactors that filled the air with musket smoke, there was the tangy and inviting smell of barbecued chicken cooking on the grille and of course, the night sky was lit up with really spectacular fireworks !

As usual, V.P. Donny Doyle performed yeoman service to the club by setting up tables, chairs, the club banner and really cool chess posters.

Donny even contributed free soft drinks for newcomers to the chess tables. What a guy !

Officers Richard White, Mike Huff and Russell Potter also lent a hand.

If you missed this event, you missed something really fun. We look forward to having you at our next 4th of July celebration !

( Thanks to Donny Doyle and others for parts of this report. )