As part of its series of special, one-day, Unrated but $$$ tournaments, the Roanoke Valley Chess Club recently held its APRIL GAME / 30 CHESS TOURNAMENT. This tournament was held on Saturday, April 11,in the Coffee Shop of the Roanoke Natural Foods Co-Op in Roanoke, Virginia. The tournament was a Round-Robin event, with ALL entries being returned as prizes ! The time control was Game in 30 Minutes and was played under modified Quick Chess Rules. A number of the players recorded their moves in order to get some training practice in for the fast-approaching MUIR MEMORIAL Grand Prix tournament, which will be held on May 16.

First place was won in decisive style by Richard White of Bedford, with an undefeated 5.5 / 6 score. Richard was stopped from achieving a perfect score by Josh Lilly of Martinsville, who tagged Richard for a draw in round 3. Josh was the Runner-Up in the tournament with 3.5 / 6. Third place was won by Al Valentine. Al came all the way from Lewisburg, W.Va. He is President of the local chess club there. Newcomer Akagi Takeo of Roanoke, won the Top Amateur prize. Takeo has recently moved to this country from Japan. He liked the club so much that he signed up on the spot for a year's membership. Welcome Takeo!

In all, there were 4 players who won money - Congratulations to all of the prize winners !

The on-site Tournament Director was Russell Potter. He was ably assisted by club Officer Mike Huff. As an extra benefit for the players, at the end of the tournament, Master Potter briefly analyzed a large number of the games played by the participants . Thanks Russ ! There were no real problems of any kind and everyone said that they enjoyed themselves.

The Roanoke Valley Chess Club sincerely appreciates everyone who participated and made this Saturday Special event at the Co-Op yet another successful one in our series.

We also express our deep appreciation to the management and staff of the Co-Op, who have gone out of their way to make us feel especially welcome there for our weekly Saturday Club meetings.

Printable flyer for the 2009 APRIL GAME/30 - SECOND SATURDAY SPECIAL .