
Celebrating Chess at the Festival in the Park

NM Russell Potter Goes Undefeated


Roanoke Valley Chess Club's exhibit at the  FESTIVAL IN THE PARK CELEBRATION  was by any measure a resounding success this year.   

Attendees arrived to find a well-organized presentation with tables, chairs, and chess equipment ready for action.  On Friday May 24th, numerous visitors stopped by for more information about the club, and local chess in the area.  Club members were on hand to answer questions, and to demonstrate their playing prowess to any who wanted to try a game. 

On Sunday May 25th, three time Virginia champion NM Russell Potter held two simultaneous exhibitions to see if anyone out there could "beat the Master." 

Medal Winners for our "Beat The Master" Competition:
2:00 PM
Toughest to Beat Daryl Doyle
2nd Toughest James Taylor
3rd Toughest Robert Steelman
4:00 PM
Toughest to Beat Meyen Bior
2nd Toughest Robert Zack
3rd Toughest Mike Huff

Special Competitiveness Prize:  Nikki Davis


This event was part of Roanoke Valley Chess Club's ongoing commitment to promote chess in the region, and was open to the public free of charge.  It is estimated that over 500 people saw the exhibit, and dozens stopped for more information.  Fifteen signed up for our club contact list, and we hope to see them all at our regular meetings soon!      

We want to thank the volunteers who made this possiblePresident Richard White, Mike Huff, and NM Russell Potter.  Special thanks to Donny Doyle and his son Daryl.  Their help transporting tables, chairs, and equipment was essential to our effort.

Click Here For Photos of Festival